Library/Learning Resources Center
Project: Library - Learning Resources Center
General Use: Library and Learning Center
Square Feet: 36,873 s.f.
Architect: tBP Architecture, Inc.
Final Cost: $9,072,710.62
Construction Start: October 2012
Opening: November 2013
Project Goal
Provide flexible/expandable technology, electrical systems and lighting.
This current project involves the renovation of all spaces designated as the Library and Technology Training Center.
Project Status Updates
Current Bulletin: 5/21/2014
Previous Bulletin: 5/21/2014
Earlier updates have been archived. Please contact the webmaster for access.
Links of Interest
MJC Library Learning Resource Forum Presentation, 9-13-08 (10.4MB)
MJC Library Renovation Design Phase Kickoff Presentation, 1-22-10
MJC Library Renovation Schematic Design Meeting, 2-10-10 (3.4MB)
MJC Library Renovation Schematic Design Meeting, 3-4-10 (4.2MB)
MJC Library Renovation Schematic Design Meeting, 3-17-10 (4.8MB)
MJC Career Center Schematic Design Meeting, 3-17-10 (1.1MB)
MJC Career Center Schematic Design Meeting, 4-1-10
MJC Library Renovation Schematic Design Meeting, 4-1-10 (3.4MB)
MJC Library Renovation/LRC Presentation, 9-7-10 (6.2MB)
MJC Library Renovation/LRC Presentation, 9-17-10 (1.8MB)
MJC Library Renovation/LRC Presentation, 9-24-10 (3.9MB)