Bond Information & Updates
Program Status Reports
Program Status Report - September 2018
Project Schedules
YCCD Measure E Project Schedule - January 2017
Bond Program Updates
1/27/10 - MJC Library Renovation
Available online is the Design Phase Kickoff presentation for the MJC East Campus Library Renovation that was presented on January 22, 2010 to the project committee.
5/21/09 - MJC Student Services Building
The Student Services committee met on May 19 to review the 50% construction document information for their new building.
4/9/09 - MJC Ag Modular Living Units
Available online is the MJC Agriculture Modular Housing Project Presentation presented at the April 8, 2009, Board of Trustees meeting.
4/2/09 - Columbia College Science & Natural Resources Project
Available online is the Columbia College Science & Natural Resources Project Presentation presented at the March 11, 2009, Board of Trustees meeting.
4/2/09 - MJC Student Services Building
Students Services Project held a Value Engineering Session on March 31, 2009.
1/8/09 - Updated MJC Campus Plans
The updated Campus Plans take all of the modifications made to the Facilities Master Plan and compile them into one document. Changes include the location of the Student Services Building, Softball Field, Allied Health, and the Science Community Center & GVM. The Campus Plans also include the new parking lot north of Tully that was not previously envisioned. The modifications have been approved individually but never presented in a single cohesive document.
10/10/08 - MJC Student Services Building
Perkins+Will presented the final Schematic Design II to the Student Services Committee on October 1, 2008.
9/30/08 - Current Notice to Contractors
Modesto Junior College and Columbia College Projects currently out to bid.
9/17/08 - MJC Library Learning Resource Forum Presentation
The MJC Library Learning Resources Final Project Proposal is available on the Measure E website.
8/26/08 - MJC East Campus Parking
Available online is the MJC Parking Lot Presentation presented at the August 13, 2008, Board of Trustees meeting.