The Yosemite Community College District Chancellor and the Interim Chancellor Search
Committee invite applications of interest for the position of Interim Chancellor of
Yosemite Community College District.
The Interim Chancellor of Yosemite Community College District is responsible for and
directs the operation of the institution through subordinate instructional and operational
administrators. The Interim Chancellor has full authority to administer and manage the District and
participates in policy and operational decisions of the District.
Desired qualifications include:
Minimum Education and Experience:
Education:A master’s degree from an accredited college or university is required.
Experience:Two to three years of senior-level administrative leadership is required, preferably
at the community college level.
Preferred Education and Experience:
Education:An earned doctorate or other appropriate terminal degree from an accredited college
or university is preferred.
Experience:Two years of educational administrative experience at the level of President or Superintendent/Chancellor
is preferred.
Application Deadline is Saturday, March 1, 2025 at 11:59pm All inquiries/applicants who express interest must apply via the District's online
recruitment portal and are strictly confidential.
Yosemite Community College District is an Equal Employment Opportunity institution.
Week of January 13 through 24, 2025: Job Description Review by Constituent Groups
January 24 – 30, 2025: Feedback Review of Job Description by Search Committee
January 31, 2025: Search Announcement
March 1, 2025: Close date for application submission
Week of March 3 – 14, 2025: Committee Review of Application submissions
Week of March 17, 2025: HR schedules 1st level interviews
Week of March 24 – 28, 2025: 1st level Interviews held by Search Committee
Week of April 1, 2025: HR schedules 2nd level interviews
Week of April 7, 2025: 2nd level interviews held by the Board of Trustees - Applicants meet with Constituency Groups after interview
Month of May 2025: Successful Candidate recommended and forwarded to the Board for formal approval.
Anticipated Start Date: June 1, 2025
Role of the Search Committee?
The Search Committee's role includes assistance in identifying and encouraging candidates
to apply for the position. The Committee selects Semifinal Candidates. The Committee
develops Semifinal Candidate interview questions and interviews Semifinalists. The
Board of Trustees of Yosemite Community College District has ultimate hiring authority
for the Interim Chancellor and negotiates the Successful Candidate's employment contract.
What will the Search Committee and the Human Resources do to ensure a diverse candidate
Yosemite Community College District is committed to identifying a diverse pool of
candidates. Human Resources will cast a wide net by utilizing it's various advertising
resources to ensure a rich diverse applicant pool.
How will we know how the search is progressing?
This is a confidential search process. Confidentiality ensures the integrity of the
search and provides the greatest flexibility in attracting the widest range of qualified
candidates for the position. Please refer periodically to the Yosemite Community College
District website for any updates.
The work of the Search Committee is also confidential and Search Committee members
will not be able to share details of their meetings and discussions, but will respectfully
refer inquiries to this website.
What opportunities will there be to provide feedback on Final Candidates?
Final Candidate interviews will include a variety of activities and meetings with
constituent group representatives.
Where is the position being advertised?
The Chronicle of Higher Education - online version only Inside Higher Ed EDJOIN Diverse Issues in Higher Education ACCCA - Association of California Community College Administrators National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education CCC Registry YCCD website
The Committee will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national
origin, citizenship status, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, genetic information
or veteran status when making screening or selection decisions.
It is the policy of Yosemite Community College District not to discriminate on the
basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability in its educational programs
and its employment practices.
The Yosemite Community College District is an Equal Opportunity Employer. It is the
policy of Yosemite Community College District (Modesto Junior College and Columbia
College) not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or
disability in its educational programs and its employment practices.
Committee Members are responsible and accountable for their personal and professional
actions as they carry out their search committee assignments.
Information pertaining to the employee selection process is confidential. Discussion
of committee deliberations and determinations with anyone other than fellow committee
members and authorized administrators is considered professionally unethical.
Committee members should present any relationship/knowledge of an applicant to the
committee for complete disclosure. If by virtue of a current or former friendship
or other association with an applicant, a committee member cannot consider all applicants
fairly and impartially, the member should not participate in the selection proceedings.
An employee may not initiate or participate in any institutional decision involving
a direct benefit to a member or members of his/her immediate family (Board Policy
7310), including serving as the immediate supervisor. Such involvements include, but
are not limited to, participating in recommendations regarding initial employment,
retention, or promotion.
Milton Richards
Trustee - Area 3
Committee Chair
Leslie Beggs
Trustee - Area 6
Committee Member
Nancy Hinton
Trustee - Area 2
Committee Member
Don Davis
Trustee - Area 1
Committee Member (Alternate)
Constituent Representatives:
Position Title
Constituent Group
Rita Perez
Community Education Specialist
Amanda Cannon
Senior Research Analyst
Classified Senate - Modesto Junior College
Nichole Coleman
Program Specialist
Classified Senate - Columbia College
Michael Igoe
Dean of Student Services - Columbia College
Samantha McCarty
Events/Facilities and Duplicating Manager - Modesto Junior College
Brian Greene
Gisele Flores
Professor of Child Development
Academic Senate - Modesto Junior College
Marcus Whisenant
Professor of Hospitality Management
Academic Senate - Columbia College
Margie Bulkin
Foundation President, Columbia College
Foundation Representative - Columbia College
Jodi Karambela
Founder & President - Integral Wealth Management
Foundation Representative - Modesto Junior College
Gustavo Castrejon
Student Trustee
YCCD Student Body
CSEA - California School Employees Association LTAC - Leadership Team Advisory Council YFA - Yosemite Faculty Association