Fees FAQ's
Students will be prompted to pay their fees when registration is complete. Student who are California residents and have a current active BOG Fee Waiver (CCPG) before registering, the tuition fees with be paid but students are responsible to pay other fees. The college will not drop students from full-term classes after the start of the semester. Students that register for full term classes will be responsible for either paying their fees or dropping their classes. Students that use add cards to enroll in classes are responsible for either paying their fees or dropping their classes. |
Q: When do I pay my fees? A: Students are responsible to pay their fees after they completed registering for classes. If fees are not cleared by the next semester, students will be blocked from registering. Q: Where do I go to pay my fees? A: You can pay your fees at the Business Office. You can also pay your fees online on PiratesNet/connectColumbia. Log in, and under the "Current Students" menu, click on the "Pay on My Account" link, located under "Financial Information". Q: How do I request a refund? A: You can contact the Business Office or fill out the "Online Refund Request Form". For MJC, click : www.mjc.edu/studentservices/forms.php and then click on "Refund Request" For Columbia College, click: www.gocolumbia.edu/admissions/forms.php and then click on "Fee Refund Request" Note: You will be asked to log in with your student credentials, before submitting the form. Q: How do I find out how much I owe? A: You can contact the Business Office: MJC: (209) 575-6828. Columbia College: (209) 588-5114. You can also log in to PiratesNet/connectColumbia, and under the "Current Students" menu, click on "Account Summary" (for MJC) or "My Account Statement" (for Columbia College). Q: When I added my classes, the system said that I owe fees. I applied for the BOGW (CCPG). Why is it charging me? A: It could mean that the Fee Waiver has not been processed by Financial Aid. You can pay your fees and then be reimbursed, once your Fee Waiver is processed. Q: How much is the fee per unit? A: Fees are $46 per unit for California Residents. Q: How much is the fee per unit for non-California Residents? A: Fees are $258 for non-California Residents. Q: I added my classes and the fees seem too high. Why? A: Other than the $46-per unit fee, students have to pay for other fees (Material fees, Health fees, Student Rep fees, Student Center fees and etc.) For a complete breakdown of MJC fees, go to the Tuition and Fees site. For Columbia College fees, go to the Student Fee/Refund Information page. |